OK, so you asked for help. This page is trying to establish some.
To start explanations with, sorry, if you don’t know at all what this all, AIESEC, IAESTE and the like, is about, you’re probably in the wrong place. In this case, still, enjoy your stay, take a look at the pictures, have a drink at the bar, maybe drop me an e.Mail, or sign the guestbook... and if you’re a student, perhaps join us next time in August.
This site is meant to be fun. Hence, on with it: Perhaps you came here because you somehow knew what to expect, but don’t always understand everything - OK, I’ll try to help with the following glossary:
AIESEC | Actually means Association International des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales, or Association of Students in Economic Sciences. It was founded in 1948 as a post-WWII experience with the aim to prevent it from happening again. Nowadays it literally spans the globe with some 80 member countries and tens of thousands of student members, all driven by the motivation to help promote international understanding, which is mostly done through the international exchange of students. AIESEC is internationally recognized and even holds a counselling position at the UN. They have fun, too. |
Carlsberg | They make beer. ’nuff said. (No, I might want to add they make brewery visits especially for us! Praise on them for that!) (Praise withdrawn after 2000: While they still make beer, they no longer allow us to drink it. So shame on them this time...) |
Ekstra Bladet | A Danish newspaper that should be properly seen in the range of the German "Bild-Zeitung", or the English "Sun". They caused some havoc by reporting on the 1996 GTG. Personally, I wouldn’t take it too seriously. |
GTG | Is the Copenhagen GetToGether, an annual meeting organized by IAESTE and AIESEC Copenhagen, Denmark, as part of the trainees’ summer programm. It has taken place since 1974, meanwhile grown to a size of about 300 delegates, and attracts people from all over Europe - plus the trainees inside Denmark, who of course come from all over the world... |
IAESTE | Actually means International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, and is pretty much the same as AIESEC, just for engineers. (OK, that’s a bit tight-lipped, but I am an AIESECer, so I can’t tell you that much more about them. Their website will, though.) |
Morten Kølby | Whenever they don’t know what to do in Copenhagen, they name Morten as OCP. He will then sort everything else out. AFAIK, he’s been on the job for six years in a row now, and attended as often as I have. (He started in 1993, and didn’t skip 1995.) In 2001, his absence caused the GTG to fail, while in 2002, MoK was back, but no longer official OCP, but rather a mere “primus inter pares”, and he plans to be completely left out again in 2003. |
OC | The Organizing Committee, the girls and guys in blue (i. e. originally blue, nowadays black) caps who are supposed to have brains underneath them and who hence do the planning. |
OCP | The Organizing Committee President, usually Morten. Nothing would work without him. |
PG | Actually means "praktiske grise" or practical pigs, the girls and guys in red (i. e. originally red, bordeaux in between and now red again) caps who are expressly encouraged not to have brains underneath them (no, that’s an exaggeration - though only a slight one), and who do the actual work. As always in AIESEC and IAESTE, all are volunteers who get nothing in return for this madness. |
pHister | Has been with IAESTE Danmark for literally the better half of his life. (Really, 25 out of 26 GTGs!) He no longer is a student, but sort of a liaison officer for Carlsberg. He also makes the roast on saturday. Yes, his name is spelled like that, but no, I don’t know why either. And no, there isn’t much on his website. (I guess someone gave it to him, and he never cared.) pHister skipped the 2002 GTG for personal reasons, we all hope to have him back in 2003. |
Sauna | As in most of Scandinavia, the Danes go to sauna all the time. They also have parties there. Cool habit. |
Tivoli | is a Danish fun fair that is so extremely special it is almost impossible to describe. It is almost certainly smaller and less spectacular and less modern and less whatever else than any fun fair you’d think of. Yet it is such an experience it simply has to be, err, ...experienced. |