1996 was a year not to be missed in many ways. Not only was it the year I met the most lovely girl on a GetToGether, it was also the year some of the other events went wilder than ever. (That was, at least partly, before I met the said girl, otherwise I would have seen things with different eyes...) So I look back on this year as one of the most phantastic GTGs ever.
We even made the Danish press... but we also made trouble: While the world outside tends to believe that the Danes have pretty liberal views on various issues, apparently that is not completely so. We learned that the Danish AIESECers got into trouble because of the pretty explicit press coverage, and sponsor money, on which AIESEC depends, was withdrawn. (Strangely, IAESTE was not affected, since they were lucky enough not even to be mentioned in the article.) As a result, higher moral discipline was applied on later meetings. Well, mostly...
OK, seriously: In digging up this stuff, I certainly do not wish to do AIESEC or IAESTE harm. I just hope that a couple of years after that little “scandal” it is legal to look back with a twinkle and say: “Those were the days...”