Among the notes I fished from my pockets on cleaning up after the GTG were some of the following:
(if you think you don’t understand a word, imagine me typing all those æ’s and ø’s... Really, Danish is such a romantic language...)
In other words, as you can see, we had a ball of a time once more. Of course, you’ll already know that if you’ve been there yourself. Otherwise, you’ll be curious (perhaps fascinated, perhaps disgusted) to learn that Barbara and I served as Chairs for this meeting, or, as the Danes call it, Toastmaster. So, was it a different event again? Yes, positively. Not only was it big again, far bigger than the last one (I guess we might have shoe-horned another dozen guests in at the official diner, but certainly not one more than that), it was also very well organized again (the black caps are really swinging into the routine now, we haven’t seen any disastrous ones recently), and loads of good fun alright.
As for us, well, yet another new view on the GTG, seen from up on the big stage rather than from the end of the “small people” down there... That was interesting. It was also fairly sleepless (we partied as long as the last of you, and prepared the morning plenary when you had breakfast) and voice-breaking (I was still hoarse after a full week).
The official site guys, Kim and MoK, have put up all the digital pix they took. They also put the video up on the web for you to enjoy, but you need a lot of bandwidth to see it. Most recently, the PGs had a party (3rd November), where they apparently got totally drunk, but the images of that are in a restricted area...
As often, it has been a while until I got all my pix scanned etc. and on the web. Now, here they are. And in case some look as if I had banged either my camera or my head against a rock - that’s allright so. It’s a Lomo, you see? Learn more here, if you care.
And videos, of course.
These come in three flavours, something for each of us:
Please note IAESTE occasionally shifts these downloads, so if you get an error, please let me know. I just cannot afford to have them on my own server :-( Ah, and you know where to get the free Real player, don’t you?